
The highest performing software development teams consistently win, know how to manage unknowns introduced in a Sprint, understand the team succeeds or fails together, is intentional in incrementally improving team performance, measures results on things they try to improve and are not afraid to fail.

Agile Trends takes the bias out of qualitative health and performance measurements of Software Engineering Team performance.  While it’s important to consider qualitative data obtained through surveys and observation, it’s more valuable to validate qualitative measurements against Software Development Team’s quantitative data.  Agile Trends takes Software Engineering Team’s Jira data and crunches it to create ‘Information’ Team’s can leverage to clearly understand ‘How’ they are currently operating, identify areas to ‘Improve’, and measure the results of their improvement efforts each and every Sprint.

Richard Lindenmeyer

Founder & Chief Methodologist – Agile Trends


Helping to build professional, high performing Software Development Teams for the purpose of Teams reaching their highest potential


Take the guess work out of determining how Software Development Team’s are operating by leveraging  Team’s ‘Data’ to quantify ‘How’ Team’s are operating
